Just wanted to see how my first blog would work out, not so good cant realy think about what to write so aww well maybe next time.
Monday, September 12, 2016
Assessment 1 - The Flip Book!!!
Flip Book
The Third Animation History!
So now we're onto a much loved childhood classic, the Flip Book! This is gonna probably be a short post, I'll try to fill it out as best I can! So the name comes from the English Word "Book" which is a collection of written, blank or printed sheets of paper, and the Word "Flip" as in, to turn over or around, hence the name "Flip Book".....okay I'm sorry, I did warn you about padding this out! So its original name was actually "Kineograph" which means moving picture, but Flip Book is just such a better name!
The Making of a Flip Book!!!
So im sure everyone at some point tried this at school! I know i did, and failed horribly at! So for this little Project you will need
Stack of paper (small note pad or stick note pad would be best)
Pencil or Pen
Ups and Downs!
The upside for this one is, easy easy easy! everyone's got paper laying around, and pencil's I'm sure! you don't even need much skill to draw! You can draw a squiggly circle getting bigger and bigger and that's you! Downside though is if you are waning anything have decent, you will need to be a much better artist than myself, and a damn good deal of patience if your going for Bigger story telling!
Coming of The Flip!
So the Flip Book itself has went through a few wee changes, tweaks here and there shall we say. It all began with a man, a man named John Linnett. He patented the idea of a flip book back in 1868. Though not long later another gentleman byt the name of Max Skladanowsky showed off his Flip Book in 1894 and him and his brother went on to develop there on film projector the following year! A mechanical version of the Flip Book, called the Mutoscope, was invented by a man called Herman Casler. The Mutoscope mounted the images on a rotating cylinder, they were widely seen I'm penny arcades and amusement parks for a long time!
Examples now!
I hear you there, through your screen demanding examples of this wondrous animation example! (no sarcasm just my tone!) well, you ever seen a Disney movie lately? good old steam boat Mickey? how it opens up? ayep, Flip Book baby! I wanted to end this little palaver with Mickey whistling away but.....I couldn't find the video i wanted, i apologise! so i give you a few other examples instead! one of my personal favourites actually is from the hit movie Hot Fuzz!
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